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[SHOW] Présentation de la classe Pet


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Le 07/01/2019 à 21:54, Ancalimë a dit :

Sauf que l'agility, de par ce qu'elle demande, touchera moins de monde. Apprendre à son rat à faire de l'agility, c'est bien moins rapide/facile/cool que de le présenter en classe compagnie, parce qu'il est sympa.

j'ai jamais entrainé un seul de mes rats à l'agility ^^
et pourtant, des prix en agility on en a raflé plein. Ce qui compte dans l'agility c'est le contact entre l'animal et le pilote.


Je referme ma parenthèse ^^

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On 1/9/2019 at 9:04 AM, Ancalimë said:

Je pense que ça serait sympa que Elian et Shita nous partagent leur vision de la Classe Compagnie en Hollande, je vais leur demander :) (histoire de pas avoir que la méthode Anglaise)


Since French isn’t my first language, I’ll reply in English.

For me personally this is an interesting subject. I’ve been to shows for many (approximately 10) years now; I’ve organised 2 shows myself and I have judged Pet Class a few times at a big (once a year) rat-event.


My rats were judged by 15 judges (from 6 different countries) of which 5 N.F.R.S. Championship judges. When not being part of the organisation I’m happy to volunteer – I can’t even count the times I’ve helped as a steward or scribe. :) It’s a real learning process, especially for me as a breeder! I would recommend it to anyone.


I know in France the “Expo” in Houten is a well known happening. I’m not going there; never attended any of their shows, even though I live only 45 minutes away… It’s because I’ll only visit events where animal welfare is put in the first place and where a proper health check by a veterinarian can be guaranteed.

I think this is one of the main reasons why I’ve never got any sick rats or picked up a virus at a show!


That said, here in the Netherlands rat shows aren’t as common like in the United Kingdom, Poland, Czech Republic, Finland, Sweden… We’re pretty lucky with just one show a year. It’s why you may see a variable sort of rats; some promissing, but also rats that normally wouldn’t be judged. Most of the participants are “just” pet rat owners – nothing more (non-breeding) They've entered their rats out of curiousity, to see what’s a show all about, never been to one before.


If your main goal is to bring a bunch of rat-lovers together and have a fun day, don’t ruin it by adding 100 rules which will only make things difficult and complicated. You don’t want to scare people away that are totally new in this ‘world’ – even though their rats aren’t always of show quality – they might actually want to learn and become more interested in these kind of things!

To continue having shows, you always have to look for new -owners, -breeders and volunteers that want to be a part of it.

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